Game 864: History

3730 days ago
Thanks guys, sounds like we've got lots to celebrate. My new place is down in Eau Claire.
3730 days ago
Yeah, congrats on the new place! We should have a house celebration party. :D I bought a house in July! We're in Pineridge, though.
3731 days ago
Congrats on the new place too nick. Are you close to your old place?
3731 days ago
Yeah you have to be very careful with nick and finch. They seem to get me in bad spots too, and its only a matter of time until i can no longer find my way out of them.
3731 days ago
You're getting substantially better. Pretty much every game lately a point or two has arisen where I think I'm completely screwed. I've managed to extricate myself from those situations so far, but your creativity has been impressive.
3731 days ago
That was a hell of a gambit. If I misplayed that, you took my queen.