Game 786: History
3913 days ago
Yeah. I think I was trying to get my bishop out but way too many moves ahead.
3914 days ago
Pretty much. felt like the tides were turning in your favour until that point.
3914 days ago
I have absolutely NO idea why I moved my knight. It lost me the game. I still can't figure out why I did it. I had a reason, I'm sure, but I forgot it by the time I woke up and never actioned my plan...
3916 days ago
Hmmm, I wasn't sure how that was going to turn out. For a while there your pressure was mounting, then you decided to move you knight to the rim to loosen up your bishop. At that point I decided I had some time to reposition my knights. I thought your next move was going to be move your knight back to attack my d-file pawn. Were you worried I was going to march it forward?
3929 days ago