Game 670: History

4297 days ago
Defensively, yes. I'm trying a bunch of new things here though, lol, so we'll see where things go. I will likely make a catastrophic error, but that is the best way to learn.
4297 days ago
Ive been working out different scenarios, and it seems your defense is pretty good right now. Many of the scenarios ive worked through leave you with a slight adavantage...that is enough of one that youll probably win. At least if i keep pushing that will be the case.
4298 days ago
Tough game. Could go a million different directions.
4300 days ago
i have no idea what you are trying to do.
4300 days ago
This sequence I have planned out here, that started a few moves ago, may well be borderline suicidal. So many chances for me to seriously fuck this up, lol.