Game 533: History

4557 days ago
yes, I was expecting to lose my queen there.
4558 days ago
Ahh. I was looking at the moves on the bus, lol, on my iPhone. So typing that all up while analyzing it was a bit difficult, so I didn't go too deep. I just saw that every other option but blocking with his knight got him into heavy trouble.
4558 days ago
Correction: should be 18. Nf5+ instead of 18. Nf4+
4558 days ago
Yes, Devin. You are right. Rd1 is stronger than Qe5. Back then I thought if 14. Rd1 N8d7 15. Nd6+ Ke7 16. Qg5+ Ke6 17. Qg4+, then Mike could go with Ke7, and I wouldn't have an immediate win. Now with a chess set in front of me, I have realized that 17. ... Ke7 would face 18. Nf4+, and mate within several moves.
4558 days ago
Though he can block with Nd7 for the most effectiveness, of course, but hems himself in awfully tight. Perhaps he can get out of it that way though, didn't go that far. Just wanted to throw another option out there and see your thoughts.
4558 days ago
I refer to move 29 in my post. As two moves were made while I typed it lol.
4558 days ago
I think Rd1 would have been a stronger move here. Sure, Mike can block your queen check with Qe7, but if you respond with Nd6+, you get his queen for your knight. He is either forced to take the knight on this turn, or move his king and be forked by your rook check and knight attacking his queen, and checkmate shortly thereafter. Same as if he moves to c8, because Qe5+ Qe6 Nc7+ Ke7 Nxe6. This route isn't as good unless he errs and lets you mate him.
4558 days ago
4558 days ago
I'm sunk now.
4558 days ago
damn, I saw that option after I made my move. I think the right move was knight to c6 instead of the bishop sacrifice.
4559 days ago
mind you i'm down to my knights.
4559 days ago
I'm interested to see. I think I might be able to develop faster depending on what he does.
4559 days ago
Yep, John did what I expected. He sacrificed a pawn for development, which he immediately gets back. Also, his rook is now in play. You're in a very bad spot.
4559 days ago
Posting this as a reminder to myself to comment on this after you guys have played past it, in the event that what I see isn't played.
4559 days ago
after we play through this game, I am going to study this position....looks like a very interesting game.