Game 44: History

4923 days ago
You were not kidding. I should have seen that bishop.
4923 days ago
Or one. Checkmate in two would have been 1. Ke1 Re8+ 2. Ke2 Qe6++
4923 days ago
Also, checkmate in two.
4923 days ago
You actually slipped up when you put me in check, lol. I was waiting for you to make that mistake. Although you just made a series of bigger mistakes.
4923 days ago
Finally slipped up. This one was going pretty good.
4930 days ago
Ahahaha. Once upon a time, I had a friend that I played chess with with whom I would try to trade my queen for one of her knights as early as possible. Gave me a chance. I still never beat her, but if I didn't take one of her knights immediately she'd shred a hole through me.
4930 days ago
You and your knights...