Game 30: History

4941 days ago
Yeah has happened to us both this game. Get so focused on what you want that you miss the bigger picture.
4941 days ago
Not paying attention again.
4941 days ago
Yeah I was watching for the back ranker for a while, lol.
4941 days ago
I was really getting my hopes up.
4941 days ago
Ah nevermind I can still save myself, lol.
4941 days ago
No, THAT one was a bad move, lol.
4941 days ago
Ok, that one was a bad move.
4942 days ago
Lol. At least you're not in the position Justin was with me. Although that was very frustrating for me. He didn't even REALIZE he was on the verge of being in checkmate, but he held me off for a good ten moves mostly without realizing how narrowly he was escaping.
4942 days ago
I see it coming, but it is way too late.
4943 days ago
Ahhh, probably the same thing with "internet explorer" since I only use IE from work, which is a call center.
4943 days ago
About the iPhone, it is because your ip address keeps changing. I will see what I can do about that.
4943 days ago
I got a little sloppy there.
4943 days ago
I get the same problem on internet explorer, actually. Also, only the "view games" link highlights like a link, though they all actually work like one.
4943 days ago
I have to relogin frequently to play from the iPhone. Otherwise I get a bunch of errors that prevent me from making a move. On another note playing chess while running on zero sleep results in dumb mistakes like that last one.
4943 days ago
I am serving the same content regardless of user agent, but only personally tested it with Firefox 3.5,4 and IE8. I can see that it works with Blackberry's from Justin's phone, but that is purely by luck. Anything strange happen on yours?
4943 days ago
Yep, why?
4944 days ago
I see someone is logging on with an iPhone. Is that you?
4944 days ago
As in anything with optimal solutions. Even with conventional wisdom, however, many games remain unexplored.
4944 days ago
I am under the impression that the space of all possible games is unexplored by conventional decisions. When this database is larger I will be able to get a real picture of it.
4944 days ago
I have to admit... your play is quite unpredictable. Every time I put a range on your moves, you do something else. ^^;
4944 days ago
Hmmm. Good question. Off and on for at least 3 - 4 years. Not really sure when we started. He'd probably have a better idea.
4944 days ago
How long have you been teaching him?
4944 days ago
Fair enough. Justin is my padawan, you might say, ahaha. I'm the person who taught him how to play chess. That's why he wanted me on here. So that he would have a digital copy of my games against him.
4944 days ago
It was a little risky, but works often enough against my usual opponents.
4944 days ago
You're a very aggressive player. Early forks are fun but the attemptcan get you in trouble.