Game 168: History

4794 days ago
I was supposed to go to e1 for the stalemate force, but I forgot and instead made an aggressive move... that at best moves us closer to obvious stalemate if you screw up at worse the move you made, lol.
4794 days ago
Was hoping you wouldn't see that, lol. Gg.
4795 days ago
Well you gave me a chance last night, lol. Re3+ wins you the game, rather than Rb8. You caught me so off guard with the move that I had no idea what to do. But I screwed up to give you the chance, lol, because I had a wasted move that let you get into position for Re3+.
4795 days ago
Yeah I'm not sure if I can see a way out, lol. Ah well. This could be interesting.
4795 days ago
It might be possible if I play it perfectly. I'm trying to work out how right now, lol.
4795 days ago
actually, this looks like a possible stalemate.
4795 days ago
I thought I fucked this up, but I was expecting you would do the reverse order of your last two moves....the move I made last night was a drunken one. I am still not sure what is going to happen here, but I guess we are about to find out.
4804 days ago
I have a game going with everyone on the site, lol. I really should use the save function more often to remind me what I'm thinking. I actually did see the possibility of you doing a trade on my knight earlier, but I forgot about it and just couldn't see it when you finally went for it. Was a couple days ago I think. ^^;
4804 days ago
yeah, you're a pretty crafty player, so the only way to trick you is with something like that i.e. it doesn't look like an option to trade off a rook for a knight, so it is somewhat disguised. Honestly though, we're pretty much even and it always comes down to who makes the first mistake. Also, I don't know how many games you have on the go, but I noticed the more games I have going the weaker my play against you has been.
4804 days ago
Also, methinks I will lose more often than not to you now. You don't make mistakes nearly as often as I do. You're much more methodical. I'm greatly enjoying playing you, but you are most certainly the best player on this site right now.
4804 days ago
That was a super pretty series of moves. I'm glad I took the bait so I could see it play out. :D Chess is all about seeing things and remembering it, so I don't mind losing to see something like that.
4805 days ago
Yeah was the bait. Any other move I make stops your attack.
4805 days ago
yes, I'm sure you did, but taking my a file pawn with your rook was not the right move.
4805 days ago
I had a way out but I didn't take it because I wanted to see the trap! Lol.
4805 days ago
that's okay, I was having problems convincing myself it was going to work.
4805 days ago
Can't believe I didn't see that. I took the bait just to see what the trap was lol.
4805 days ago
it should be apparent now.
4805 days ago
Ahhh so obvious now lol.
4805 days ago
You're going to have to explain that move to me later. I assume you're trapping me but I fail to see it.
4805 days ago
Maybe. Your previous move was odd, though I really liked this one.
4805 days ago
well, I might have blown this 1.
4808 days ago
Ahaha touche. Really though my early game seems a little stronger than yours, but you midgame is better than mine.
4808 days ago
A likely excuse:P
4809 days ago
I play at work between calls, lol. I stopped taking our games super seriously when I went up 6-4-1 in our series... I've lost every game since, ahahaha. All but one I had an advantage and blew it. :P
4809 days ago
strange game. I don't think we are playing very good right now. oh well, i guess we want to experiment any ways.
4811 days ago
I worked out a garunteed checkmate for you so gave up. :P
4811 days ago
ahh, I thought there was a good chance for a stalemate there.
4812 days ago
Concede lol.
4812 days ago
what happened to the last game?