Game 145: History

4817 days ago
nah, I didn't see your queen was protecting your bishop, so I decided to abandon my plan.
4817 days ago
Was that rook bait? Seems to good to be true.
4820 days ago
well, when I say don't leave a piece hanging, you had your knight on D3, but attacking my queen with your bishop was a good play, except I was able to get rid of your other knight on h3. Overall it was a good idea, as before that whole exchange went down, you really had a good advantage in the game, as your pieces were more developed, and the knight on c3 was a big threat which I would have had problems defending against.
4820 days ago
Agreed, move 13 was a bad one.
4820 days ago
hmm, the right move for you was to trade off black squared bishops first, as the knight i took was quarding your bishop.
4821 days ago
CPSC 355 and CPSC 413. I was 2 courses away from a minor in CPSC.
4821 days ago
No, you didn't. What are you taking?
4821 days ago
Today? not sure. I did see her there a couple weeks ago. Did I tell you I went back for one more semester?
4821 days ago
well, no harm in me progressing that pawn 1 more square.
4821 days ago
hmmmm, you were suppose to take that pawn. my plan was to take back with my queen, then take your knight at h3 with my bishop.
4821 days ago
parinaz told me she saw you at school today?