Game 116: History

4821 days ago
I assume no one disputes that checkmate is impossible now.
4830 days ago
I am not sure if this could have been botched worse.
4835 days ago
The most embarrassing thing that has happened on this site.
4837 days ago
Okay so when I looked at this game, it was turn 72. Correct move for you, Finch, is Nxc2. It's a free pawn. He can take your knight at the cost of his bishop, completely ending any hope he has of winning, so he has to give you the free pawn. The a4 pawn move up was completely meaningless and gave Nick a free move.
4837 days ago
I thought for sure you would have blocked my pawn with your king.
4837 days ago
wow, i punted this so hard :(
4841 days ago
I'd be white here if I could pick. I see how to win as white.
4841 days ago
By count it is almost even, but I would really prefer the situation to be reversed.
4841 days ago
Bizarre looking game.
4841 days ago
im still watching those pawns. so many left...
4842 days ago
I fooled myself into thinking I would come out on top, with a rook left over.