Game 110: History

4850 days ago
I really regret moving that rook.
4854 days ago
That is interesting about weak squares though. A new perspective.
4854 days ago
Huge mistake in that plan. Did not want to retreat.
4854 days ago
sorry, it is weak when a piece of greater value is required to attack it.
4854 days ago
also, the reason i did it, is because I don't like you knight being there.
4854 days ago
a perfect example is my b6 square. If I were you, I would try to lodge a knight there, or ideally a pawn, but I won't let you do that.
4854 days ago
You have a good set up right now, as all your pieces are defended. Also, your bishop on the H column is on one of my weak squares i.e. the only way I can attack it is with a piece of equal or greater value. I always look for weak squares to take up post on. The best piece to have on a weak square is a pawn, so if you ever have a chance to get a pawn on a weak square, take it. you can then use it to protect a knight, and it will cause serious problems as the game wares on. So in summary, it is called a past pawn when no other pawn on the two columns to either side can attack it at some point i.e. they have already passed by, which means a major piece must now do the attacking on it, and like I say, it is one of the first things I look for when I play- I try to identify the weak squares.
4854 days ago
I opened with the sicilian, but the rest has just been improvisation. I mostly just make moves depending on what needs to be done, while trying to stick to theoretically sound moves as much as possible.
4854 days ago
I don't think I have ever come across a row of 4 pawns like this. Is this the Sicilian?
4855 days ago
nice move. piling up against that one pawn.