Game 106: History
4858 days ago
I'm enjoying figuring out how to drag this out, ahahaha. Though I THINK you'll checkmate me in two, now.
4861 days ago
I think it is just a formality now.
4862 days ago
only problem is it might take a while to open this up a bit. all my pieces are pinned on the left side.
4863 days ago
If you don't screw up you win and you're better than me at that. I'm a little better at control, I think.
4863 days ago
it's not over yet, but I just have to make sure I play a quiet safe game from here out.
4863 days ago
I'm so screwed lol. One mistake and you blew me up.
4864 days ago
I missed both of those. I knew I wanted to castle first but I forgot.
4864 days ago
never mind.
4864 days ago
hmmm, missed that 1
4865 days ago
Ah yeah I drilled into Justin not to move that pawn without a very good reason.
4865 days ago
the f2 square is protected by the king alone, so it is called the king's weak side. I never move that pawn. most people move it as a defensive move on about the third or fourth turn, and there is a combination with the queen and a knight that pretty much costs the opponent a rook and a knight, and usually a bishop all for the cost of 1 knight. I will show you the set up on Sunday.
4865 days ago
Not sure what you mean by that. Kings weak side?
4865 days ago
I tried opening up my king's weak side against Nick, and I told him what the sequence of moves should be to see if I could get out of it, but he wouldn't go for it. Maybe I will try it against you to see if I can figure something out.
4865 days ago
Normally I'm a more conservative player and wouldn't try something like this attack, but I think that we've worked out quite well that we're almost dead evenly matched. I no longer feel like I need to prove myself against you, because I know we're pretty much equal, so I can test things out with you and get an appropriately leveled response.
4865 days ago
You're right, you did protect your e4 square a bit, and that was a back benefit I was looking at. It wasn't my main goal though. I wanted you to commit your bishop where you did. That was the main purpose of opening up that line for myself, to remove your white bishop from play.
4865 days ago
I just felt like my e4 for square would be weak with your bishop on that line. I suppose you have it now any ways.
4865 days ago
Fortunately I didn't want that line for my bishop, lol.
4865 days ago
That was the move I wanted you to make, as I wasn't liking that line for your bishop.
4866 days ago
I know. Black loses mirrored opens. This gives me an alternative attack on you. Could be interesting. I'm tempted to really screw with you but it might be able to backfire hard, lol. If you were Justin or Nick, I wouldn't hestitate because I could recover if it backfires. Hmm... we'll see.
4866 days ago
hmm, I was just trying to win a square.
4866 days ago
Gah. I hate mirrored opens so... lets see how this rolls.
4866 days ago
Responding to that open with midplay was a really bad idea for me, lol. I should have done a sicilian type response by attacking the middle from the sides.