Game 103: History

4868 days ago
Checkmate after you defend with your bishop.
4870 days ago
On the point system, a queen is worth 10 points, a rook 5, bishops and knights 2.5, pawns 1. Typically it's worth taking out a queen for any two pieces on the board, though, even rooks given her early and mid game domination. Late game is when two rooks for a queen aren't worth it, as it's easier to mate with two rooks than it is a solitary queen. Also, I would have retreated and given you my pawn for free.
4870 days ago
Rxf7 is one I did see, but my concern was losing a knight and a rook, for a queen. Doesn't that make my disadvantage worse?
4870 days ago
Sidenote: You also missed Rxf7 there. Defending with my queen was a pretty bad mistake, I can't take your rook because of the protection by your knight. Or Nxf7 if you preferred to threaten my rook and break the castle, although at this point of the game I don't care about my castle.
4870 days ago
I saw it as soon as you moved your bishop to B2, lol.
4870 days ago
Nope, that would have been beautiful.
4870 days ago
Phew. You didn't see Bxg7.
4871 days ago
That is exactly the word.
4871 days ago